Photos > Veteran's Photos

2/ 21st Bn. B Company. Photo taken before embarkation.
Front Row, L-R. R Kennedy, Whitborn,Rogers,G Austin, "Cactus" O'Neil,Barclay, E.C. Macklan, V Macklan,J.E. Robertson,?, R Williams, E.W. Hogan, C Morrison, G Kissick, A.H. Russell, R McDonald, E Walker, L Blight, E Shepherd,N Comden, B Richmond, H Adams.
2nd Row, L-R. ?, Blackman, Morris, J Drummy, Davis,?, G Berry, H Flemming, Lewis, Weeks, E.W Docking, K Lupsom, S/M McMillan, K Mellor,G Armstrong, M.W Newberry, I McBride, J Whittaker, G Hastie, H.T Lewis, P.R O'Donnell, R Begone, H Robilliard, K Gilder
J Morrow, N McCoomb, M Whiteman.
3rd Row, L-R. F Greenham, F Power,?, E Kendall, V.A Ellis, Oglevie,?, F Gurry, Carter, J Wiseman, R.A O'Loughlan, E.R.A Tait, ?, A Moore, G Barnes, R.Y Waddle, I Russell, L.W Hocking, Sheehan, R.C McKenzie, J Morgan, Weildon, McKie, ?, G.C Maetize,
L Brown, "Big" McFarlane, D Murray, J Hazlewood, D Gee, G Treziise, R McGann, J Graham, E Stagg, D Glegg, B Cooke.
Back Row, L-R. A Davidson, L Harvey, A Beatie, "Ossie" Warburton, R O'Keefe, D.V Noonan, Weildon, T.L Ryding, S J Riddock, H Sedgewick, G McMahon, R Everett, McAulliff, Young, A Russell, E Boyle, "Darkie" Richardson, B Sumner, C Wright, R Brassey, L Dalton, N Stewart, S.A Jackson
W Blake, R.A Mendola, A.C Burn, R Morton, J Lee, N Scott, F Gray, B Noonan, B Ripper, S Piggin, M.J Gilbert, B Mewell, D Gilder.

2/ 21st Bn. D Company. Photo taken before embarkation.

A Coy Photo taken before embarkation.

Group portrait of A Company, 2/21st Battalion.P(Photo in two parts) Left to right: front row: Chafer, Hartley, Bailey, Fisher, Breen, Marsh, Lance Corporal (L Cpl) Billings, Smith, Knuckey, McKenzie, Wilson, Dallagh, Jones, Redwood, Turnbull, Rutley, Minetti, Gravener and Corporal Borr (?). Second row: Winter, Brander, M.F. Osborne, V.F.H. Hubbard, Gladigou, Alison, Davies, Blair, Edney, Tuddenham, B. Tucker, Sergeant (Sgt) Stanbridge, Captain (Capt) Wesley, Lieutenant (Lt) Thomas, Sgt Stayte, Beachley, Hallowell, A. Osborne, Thatcher, Watson, unidentified, Ericson, Hadlow, Tucker, McGregor, C.R. O'Bryan and Bradley. Third row: Walker, R.R. Hubbard, Hutchins, L Cpl Kirwan, Mason, J.M. Francis, Corson (?), Leslie, Dunbar, Arnold, Inkster, Balcombe, Corporal Leary, Beckwirth, Barclay, Blanks, Conway, Bolwell, Rigney, Orange, Taylor, Dihood, Mitchell, Donchi, Howard, Flintoff, Hill, Capon, Lewin, L Cpl Eouid (?), Sgt Jacobs. Fourth row: Sgt Seabrooke, Privates King, Jorgenson, O'Halloran, Simmons, Amesbury, Kofoid, Daff, L Cpl Guest, Cooke, Ordish, Stratton, three cooks named Keel, Tullett and Brown, Privates Turner, Dahlberg, Uren, Ansett, Moran, Fry, Penny, Phillips, Lock, Loch, Perrin, Snodgrass, Argus, Gee, Corp Boyce.

HQ Coy (one section) 1940 W. Williams 4th from right middle row.

A Troop 2/21Bn. Taken at Trawool 1940

B Troop 2/21Bn. Taken at Trawool 1940

Collage constructed by Paul Liversidge from photos of Gull Force taken on Ambon and Hainan Island.

Lt. Col L.N. Roach Officers of 2/21st Bn. Darwin Oct 1941.
Back Row; Pullen, Green, McDowell, Gabriel, McBride, Jaffrey, Russell, McCutcheon, Chaplin, Chapman, Van Nooten, Sutcliffe, Miskin.
Centre Row: Padre Cochrane, Jinkins, Crozier, Padre Patmore, Whittakers, Major, Loughman,Turner, Watchorn, Davis, Best, Grouse, Mellor, Godfrey.
Sitting; Aitkin, Newham, Westley, Hooke, Roach, MacCrae, Newbury, Sandy, Perry.

Photo taken by M.J.(Eddie) Gilbert. Shortly before the Japanese attack near the village of Eri. Shows the mortar detachment of B Coy.
Cpl. A (Aussie) Carr. VX30281, Pte. J.Robertson VX26780, Pte. A (Alf) Mason VX26745, Pte. M.J.("Eddie") Gilbert VX31080,
Pte. R.R. (Ray) Williams VX27427 (at front)

As above except Pte. G. Trezise VX31221 replaces Eddie Gilbert. Photos taken with 3 boys from the local village.

George Trezise. B Coy 2/21tt Battalion

D Coy 2/21st Bn - Photo by Cpl Charlie Noar
Back row: Joe O'Connor, Frank Cross, Jack Panaotie, Bill Page, Eric Jay
Front Row:Aub Ball, Jimmy Harmes, Mick Leslie, Darkie Ashton.

Pte.George Gambling VX19938 C Coy. George is pictured centre row, 3rd from the right, Bill Cook last on right. Walter Hicks front row second from left.
George Gambling was killed 15th January 1942
Cemetery Plains 1941 Pt Spurgeon, Pt Kirkman, Sgt Valli and Cpl Brown
Boxing practice 
F Redhead circa 1941
Weight training - Army style 
More boxing practice

Boxing Champs AMF Darwin 1941 L-R Peter (Irish) O'Donohue - Welterweight. Frank Redhead - Heavyweight. Eric Erickson - Flighweight.

L-R George Anset, Peter O'Donohue, Walter Hicks, George (Jitta) Roy.
First aid ? 
More boxing practice.

S Vaughan and G Morris Wilfred Williams Wilfred Williams (left) Ormond Williams (right)

Camp site at Trawool

Camp site

Bernard McLeavey B McLeavy, bottom row 3rd from left.

B McLeavy, 5th from left.

L-R Curly ?, Robert Booth, Ray Boak. 1940 (Ray and Curly died Ambon) L-R Curly ?, Robert Booth, Ray Boak, ? . 1940 L-R Curly ?, Robert Booth, Lesley Booth, Robert Booth, Annie Mary
Booth (Dunn) Hilda Bell (Dunn), Ray Boak.

Private John Duddy, killed on Ambon 15/2/1942 John Duddy before embarkation.

Men march through Albury, front, Dick Best Officers of C Company: L-R Davis, ? , Miskin, Perry, ? . Cpl. James McMillan McLennan
Two relax 
Group Photo

J Searant in group photo

Jack Searant climbing Jack outside tent at Rutherford

William (Billy) Boulton center. Billy Boulton, 3rd from left. Billy Boulton

Billy Boulton, facing camera.

Brian A E Haley in Darwin B A E Haley B A E Haley

J R. O'Keefe (center) Vince Brewer Thomas Betts

Men at the camp
Help him up mate.
Taking in the view

Platoon Group

Chester Verey, Monty Taylor, Richard Meyer, C. Nye, Adam Davidson, Jock McLoud, Fatty.

Eric Kendall, second from left, with mates on the train to Darwin.
Two soldiers on the journey 
Train Journey to Alice Springs
At Trawool. H Williams bottom right 
The old Afgan camel driver once won Stawell Gift
Army requires men shave every day 
E W Hogan
March to Darwin 
Taking in water on the journey.
On the road to Darwin 
Truck bogged on the road to Darwin
Francis Jordan Frank Jordan (centre) Frank Jordan (left hand side)

Frank Jordan (front right) D V Noonan Syd Riddock 1940

F F Beel William Ripper Norman Womersley
Cpl Robert G Barnes Died on Ambon 20/02/1942 
James (Jim) Adams. Died on board the rescue ship Gerusalemme when it was docked at Victoria harbour. Aged 26.

William Boyce (died 24/7/1945) Victor Brown (died 21/5/1945)

Raymond Hector Harrison Raymond Hector Harrison Frederick Schaefer 1941
3 mates in 1941 
Crossing the causway on the road to Darwin
Group photo 
Geoff Wairng crossing the causeway
The "Baldies" after a close haircut 
L-R Geoff Waring, Perc, Flash and Pando.
Trench - Darwin 1941 
Dig, dig, dig - the hard way and an easier way.
A.(Nugget) Hawkins (Centre) with 2 mates.
Eddie Gilbert, Arthur Clarke (Died. 20/7/43) Eric Stagg (Died 16/7/45) Jack Morrow (Died 18/2/45)

10 platoon. Darwin.Back Row -Bill Newell, Jack Morrow, "R.B" Watson, Eddie Gilbert
Front Row - Dave Gee, Les Brown (Brownie), Dave Gilder.
Resting in trench H Williams 1st left 
Trench. Harry Williams 4th from left

Stan Hawksworth on running board Collecting coconuts

Larrakeyah Barracks Darwin

Stan Hawksworth on running board Driver Albert Quinlan. Stan Hawksworth on bumper.

Stan and Eddie with 2 others Les William

Recreation Football Team.

Group cooling off in Darwin Stan Hawksworth
?, Stan Hawksworth, Eddie Hinch

Stan Hawksworth, Eddie Hinch, ?. Stan Hawksworth, Eddie Hinch.
The mess tent at Darwin 
E R Smith's bed - Darwin
Group (possibly B Coy) at Darwin Group with fish at Darwin
Meal time
Tea Break 
5 Mates
Barklay J White 
3 Men relax

Harold Goodwin 
Colin Goodwin, Harold Goodwin, Syd P, Charlie Goodwin and Syd Wills. Darwin 41
Colin Goodwin Eric Kelly Eric Kelly in Darwin 
Charlie Goodwin
Raymond Haworth 
William James Chung 
Francis Edward Power. Alfred Clerke.
Henry J Legg. Frank Greig 25yrs.

F. Greig 2nd from left, front rank guards. Frederick Heintz

D W Watkins. 2/12 Field Ambulance. H W Benbow.
Outside a Dawrwin hospital H Williams in foreground 
Winnelle Theatre showing bush forms (seats)
Known as a +5 Tent 
The Camp's stage at Darwin

More equipment training 
Equipment training

More Gun training
Picnic at Lee Point, Darwin 
Feeding the troops
One way to get coconuts 
Snake handling, Darwin 1941

W.C. (Billy) Arrowsmith before embarkation W. C. Arrowsmith

Chick, Jack and Bill Arrowsmith W.C. Arrowsmith

W.C. Arrowsmith W.C. Arrowsmith

W.C. Arrowsmith (middle row, second soldier back with no hat on)
C Coy group photo 
Frill neck lizards, Darwin 1941

Sgt Robert Norton Tibias (left) Sgt. R Tobias (left) with Cpl Harold John (Bluey) Stevens (died Ambon 22/4/1944)

Group of Gull Force men with local children

What happened to the band? Valli - Executed at Laha,Skeggs - returned Aus, Lamb - Executed at Laha, Hynes - Killed by Chinese
ambush on Hainan, Hawkins - Died after capture by Chinese bandits on Hainan,
Murnana - returned Aus, Fyfe - Died P.O.W Hainan,
Guthrie - transfered 2/40 Bn. Killed as P.O.W, Morrison - Died P.O.W Hainan,
Bromley and Doll - Executed at Laha,
Haines - Captured by Chinese Missing,
Harries and Findlay - returned Aus,
Adams - Executed at Laha,
Joy, Cook, Woodward and Martin - returned Aus, Smith - Died P.O.W Hainan, Stranger - Did not leave Aus, Vivash - Executed at Laha,
Hillier, Sinclair and Harrison - returned Aus, Hogan - Executed at Laha, Williams - died P.O.W Ambon, Kissick - returned Aus.

Band marching 
2/21st Battalion Band
4 more band members 
4 men from 2/21st Battalion Band E R Smith first on the left.
Band marching 
2 band members
Ex bandmaster Sgt Stranger 
2/21st Bn. Band, Darwin
Band fun at Alice Springs 
Dance band, Darwin
Harry Beckwith Group 

Group photos taken 1941
E.R. Smith 
E.R. Smith
E R W Smith
Darwin Canteen 
Darwin Mess Tent
Barraks for the Permanent Force, Darwin
Outside mess ares - Darwin
A Coy Men 
Lance Daff, Frank Jordon, Norm King and Dave Guest outside tent.
Team Photo 
Near C Coy Office - Brian, Bill, Geoff Waring, Vern
Les Cooke 
A Coy Football Team
Ben Ordish 
Ins and Outs. Canteen Darwin. Laurie Benvie dealer.
Ron Kofoed Dave Guest 
Peter Newsome, Les Cooke, Roy Borrie and Ben Ordish
Walter Hicks 1941 
J. H. Williams (Harry)
Bert Jones Sutcliffe and Anderson 
J. A. Talbot

Rex Barclay Rex Barclay, Jack Barclay, Geoffrey Barclay
front their parents Wynnefred and Thomas Barclay

Eddie Gilbert and Eric Shepherd (Died 19/6/45) with a navy friend in Darwin.

Alan Flowerday Alan Flowerday 3rd from right.
U S Plane over Darwin 
A whirlwhind in camp
After a footy match 
Portrait of Peter Newsome, Les Cooke and Roy Borrie.

Awaiting pick up on the wharf on Ambon September 10th 1045

Latrine duty at Hashio Camp D Noonan & R Fishwick 
Photo taken at Hashio Camp, Hainan

Awaiting transfer from Samah hospital.

"Chips" Charles Crouch and Eddie Gilbert Sept 1945 at 2/5th AGH Moratai

Recovering at Moratai with sailor, Alex Hilliard from the Junee are(L-R) Arthur Deakin,Junior Edwards, Chips Crouch,?,?, Eddie Gilbert

Percy Oliver Mills on return to Australia.
2nd from Left Alf Cole, 3rd Barney McLeavy
L-R Alf Cole, Laurie Benvie, Gordon?, Reg ? Ted ?
Download to read a short Wartime Connection story

Reunion of members circa 1950

Former Able Seaman Charlie Hook, 2/21st Veteran Eddie Gilbert and Former Able Seaman Ken Wood at a reunion 14/09/1985

Ben Amor and Eddie Gilbert at Government House 15/8/2005 for reception to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Japanese surrender.

Tom Pledger and Bob Allen. Anzac Day in Sydney. 2010

Eddie Gilbert (centre) with Gull Force marchers at the Anzac Day March in Melbourne 2012.
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